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Is Bad News Better Shared?

Posted on Mon Jun 8th, 2020 @ 11:24am by Alden Loxley & Alison Bliss

Mission: The Milk Run
Location: Newhall - on board the Echo
Timeline: Night before leaving for Hera

Alden was practically bouncing off the walls of the bridge as he relayed the details of what he'd just learned from Kai. It was just the two of them here, himself and Alison, the rest of the crew were still on shore leave, enjoying their last night before the next run to Hera, and Kai was in her bunk.

"I don't know where he is," Alden complained, frustrated and annoyed by the whole matter, worried about his brother and losing his mind in the mix. No one had gone after Drake before, not even Niska back in the day. Alden had always taken the focus of any danger directed at his immediate family, so this new twist was hitting him hard. "I don't even know who they are. They just send Kai a wave and a vid of Drake tied up and getting the shit kicked out of him."

He sighed, heavily and looked to Alison. "They knew we were headed to Hera."

Alison watched Alden calmly. In the current situation, she had to be the voice of reason as Alden wasn't thinking straight. She leaned back in the chair and winced, thinking about what she heard.

"So, Drake was taken... when? Was he in troubles recently? What was he doing recently? And with him? What do they want from us? You've seen the footage, anything there to give us a clue who is behind it?" She kept asking to force Alden to think and cool down.

Alden punched the wall and then grimaced as he shook out his sore hand. Stupid. He turned back to look at Alison, sat there all serene and, caught in his own spiralling anger, temporarily hated her for being the voice of reason. He kicked the console's footing and muttered a few curses.

"Don't know exactly. I haven't spoken to him for a while." That half-answered two questions, even if the words were pushed through gritted teeth. "What was he doing?" Alden sounded grumpier by the second. "Buying and selling stolen Fey Wu (junk) like every day, could be anyone." He didn't mean that, but the feeling of helplessness was overwhelming. "No," he stared back at Alison as he paced the deck. "No faces, voice was disguised. So either someone we know who doesn't want us to know them, or someone who's being careful." Alden scowled.

"They want us to find something for them," he said, a little more rationally. "They were non-specific as to what or where just yet."

"How do we know they have him?" Alison asked. "Were that the same guys talking who were beating Drake? If they were disguised, it could be anyone doing the beating and someone else is just using the recording to shake us down." She wanted to be sure. She didn't see the recording but before committing, she wanted to make sure it was what it was. "Like Drake himself?"

"Same guys, yes. Drake himself, yes." Alden took a deep breath. In. Out. He looked his friend in the eyes and nodded. She needed to see the recording, so he shared it and waited for her to come to the same conclusion.

"See?" He rolled his eyes, not at Alison, but towards his brother. "Drake knows some real characters, not all of them have a decent moral code." Alden said with a heavy sigh. "But why not get it themselves?"

Alison calmly watched the recording. Then re-watched it before she raised her eyes at Alden.

"That, I am guessing we will find out arriving at Serenity Valley." She said and leaned back against the chair. "Looks like for the moment, we will have to follow that through. But if Drake survives this, you better kick his ass hard for that." She decided. “And keep eyes open, stall them, ask for the proof of life every time, etc. We need details, any details if we are to find Drake.”

A thousand yard stare regarded Alison from a pair of dark blue eyes and Alden gave an almost imperceptible nod. He'd always suspected his younger brother had deeper ties into the criminal world, but the true extent of those relationships and potential for very real trouble remained to be seen. "Oh, I'm gonna have words, trust me on that one," was all Alden said.

Then, with a serious afterthought, he added. "I doubt they have anything to gain from killing him," Alden noted, uncomfortably. A live fence was a source of income after all. "But they were beating him up pretty damn well." Maybe working out some inner frustrations.

Another lingering pause followed and he regarded Alison again. "Obviously Kai already knows. As for the rest? I think we should keep it quiet for now. You?"

"He is your brother." Alison said softly looking straight at Alden. "This is your decision. If you don't want to bring in others just yet... I am fine with it. On the other hand, they are here months, so maybe showing them trust on that will pay back later."

"It's not a matter of trust," Alden noted, having taken a moment to consider this matter of sharing information. There was hurt and pain in his gaze as he met Alison's eyes, but under control now, tempered by responsibility. "More that I don't need a stressed out crew climbing the walls and raging all the way to Hera. Right now, there's nothing any of us can do, so lets give them at least a few days of calm and I'll reconsider. But for now, just the three of us."

Alison stood up with a friendly reassuring smile.

"You got it." She approached Alden and put her hand on his shoulder. "It will be all right."

He leant forward in one fluid motion, forehead resting against her outstretched arm and just soaked up a short moment of supportive comfort.

"I hope so," Alden murmured into Alison's sleeve.



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