The Untamed Wild Beyond

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Between the Border and the Rim is an orbital path that's home to six Alliance deep space stations - floating cities used as command posts for Alliance Operations and refuelling posts for Alliance Navy vessels. Beyond these stations is the untamed wild beyond and the folk living there like it that way.

Group Post Count: 165

Included Missions

Li Shen's Bazaar

Post Count: 58

The Kalisdasa System, beyond the Border in the Rim promises adventure with very few rules.

A floating port station on the edge of the Kalidasa System (Xuan Wu). Claims to have the widest selection of goods (and bads) of any station in the 'Verse. Interior of the station is full of billboards with brightly flashing adverts and enticements for goods, services and other wonders to be experienced here. Everything from happy naked times, through filling your belly to 'alien artefacts'. It's a tourist trap at face value, a great stop for busy crews, has a branch of the Allied Postal System as well as St Lucy's Medical Center and if you're in the know, at a deeper level there's a hook-up with the Smugglers Guild to be had. Enjoy!

Back in Black

Post Count: 49

Travelling nine days from Santo to Ghost with only ourselves for company and only ourselves to blame. New folks to torment and talk to, plenty of food and maybe even some live music.

Time speeds up and slows down out here with nothing but our lil Firefly for a reference point in all that black...

I Ain't Fraid of No Ghost...

Post Count: 58

The Kalisdasa System, beyond the Border in the Rim promises adventure with very few rules. Five of its worlds are inhabitable, and in the yellow star's twelfth orbital path, lies one such planet - Ghost - currently home to automated atmosphere processing plants and a small terraforming crew.