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Wed Feb 22nd, 2023 @ 5:15pm

Zhang Quing

Name Zhang Arabella Quing

Position Security

Character Information

Gender Female
Homeworld Airen
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 4'11"
Weight 98
Hair Color Bald (black)
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Arabella is a diminutive looking person. She is short and thin... tiny would be an adequate description.

As a Daoxian Monk she keeps a clean shaven head, as a reminder of the fleeting nature of material things and pride.


Spouse None

Personality & Traits

General Overview • Arabella is a stoic.
Highly introspective, following the teachings of Internal Alchemy. She remains quiet and preferring to not interfere in the affairs of others, unless those persons are being threatened or oppressed by powers beyond their own making.

She believes in living a simple spontaneous life, bending her will to that of the Verse.

Arabella meditates through martial forms and dance. She practices forms in movement to prepare her body to react and compliment the flow of the Verse.

Arabella believes strongly in the highest goals in life are peace of the state and freedom of its citizens. While supporting unification and the authority of the Alliance, she also believes in the self direction of all peoples in the Verse. This philosophy confuses most veterans of the war on both sides. She is non political and looks for balance in the conflicts of the Verse.

Arabella can use a gun with frightening precision, she however prefers less forceful instruments, such as flechettes, darts, knives, chopsticks and a strong pole-arm. She is adept at focusing her Chi and can be devastating in combat.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Stoic, tries not to get attached to persons or events.

Superior fighter in both armed and unarmed combat.

Devotion. She is committed to her faith in the Way, as well as to causes she feels are just and in accordance to the flow of the Verse.

Weaknesses: Diminutive size, often attracts unwanted attention of predatory individuals.

Stoic. Prefers to remain un-attached to people and events. Will no get involved with events brought on by people's own actions or nature.

Spontaneous. She bends her will to the flow of the Verse. This has her make decisions quickly often with little thought behind them.
Ambitions Aspirations & Goals: Unity with the Verse. Highest goals are the peace of the state and the freedom of its citizens.
Hobbies & Interests Dance, painting, cooking, playing flute.

Personal History Quing was born in Longu on Shinon’s moon of Airen. Home to one of the ten holiest cities of the Daoxian faith, she was brought into the walls of the local temple and began her first steps in the Way.

The local Dizi Temple as the home of the Daoxian Choir and Orchestra, renown for entertaining the elite of the Verse. Quing studied the flute and achieved some mastery of the instrument. However the life of a musician was not for her. She took up the teachings of Daoxian philosophy, keeping balance with the Verse and giving back more than you take in life. She has held those principles her entire life. She continues to spread life by planting seeds on planets she visits to balance what she consumes.

Her passion for the balance of the verse brought her to Di, the holiest city in Daoxian faith on Shinon. She studied under the Daoxian masters. In time she entered a monastery to devote herself to the pursuit of internal alchemy or using your own energies to extend the will of the Verse in the physical plane.

Pursuit of her studies involved constant training, teaching her body through martial forms to move with the flow of the Verse. The forms in practice made her body able to counter and compliment the actions of others. She could move without intent or force to become one with the flow of the Verse. This gave her seemingly lightning reflexes, while not super human were far faster than those untrained.

Under the guidance of her Masters she took up residence at the Missionary Temple of Jia Chun on the developing moon of Jianggyn. Quing found the largely pastoral life on Jiangyn enchanting. The people had pure, if not simple beliefs that were in harmony with the flow of the Verse. It opened her eyes to life beyond the strict regiment of the monastery. She found the monastic life to not be the spontaneous flow she was trained to pursue.

In the midst of her martial meditations she took up studying the musical martial art of Capoeira, finding the flow of the Verse exceptionally powerful in the music of the developing colony. Study of the people and their music brought her a great appreciation of the Ancient culture of Portugal on Earth-that-was. She adopted the name Arabella as a symbol of her new found freedom through dance.

As the War for Unification came about, like most of her fellow monks, Arabella remained neutral. The aesthetic life was diametrically opposed by the military and much of the population engaged in the conflict. Seen as cowards and sympathizers, The residents of Jaigjyn felt the presence of the monastery tied their world too closely to the evils of the Core.

One dark night, a crowd of angry residents burned down the monastery. Many of the monks died in a conflict they were not part of. Arabella through her training was not overcome by the raiders. She stood her ground and fought even as the monastery burned around her. That night she killed a person for the first time. It made her soul ache, but as the fight continued she again and again brought lives to an end.

In the morning, nothing remained but ash. Arabella wondered how the Verse would bring balance to something as horrible as this event. She found no answers. Her desire to return to Shinon to consult the Masters was ended when her transport was intercepted by Independent forces fleeing an oncoming fleet of Alliance Destroyers.

Its engines damaged and the whip afire, the transport came down on the moon of Three Hills. She survived the landing, but found herself far from the Core and her spirit wounded from the trauma of the past month. In need of food and shelter, she assisted citizens of local towns that were in need of help.

Her martial skills brought her a reputation as a brazen fighter for justice. She added the use of firearms to her training. The taking of life became less abhorrent as time progressed, but her soul still needed balance and peace. Over the coming years she traveled from town to town, seeking justice for the downtrodden and some form of redemption for herself in righting her unbalanced life.
Service Record Training at Abby of Longu Xi, Advanced studies in Daoxian Philospophy and Internal Alchemy at the Tian Temple in Di, Shinon.

Languages spoken: English, Mandarin, Portugese

Religion: Daoxia Arabella is a devout monk following the Way of Daoxia to achieve balance with the Verse.

Quote: Seeing into darkness is clarity. Knowing how to yield is strength.